Veröffentlicht von Upwind Holding, am 14.05.2024

The AIVA Institute in the rbb24 Abendschau: A TV report about the diversity of Longevity

On the occasion of Longevity Week Berlin, which began on May 6th, the rbb24 Abendschau presented the AIVA – Arona Institute.

“Grow old & stay healthy” – this was the motto of the rbb24 Abendschau TV report about the AIVA Institute for Vitality and Aesthetics. On the occasion of the start of Longevity Week in Berlin, which offers a week of events and opportunities for exchange on the subject of longevity every year, the rbb24 Abendschau presented the AIVA Institute on May 6th, and the report is now also available online. In the 7-minute report, Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg reported on the diverse, pioneering technologies in longevity medicine that are used by the experienced AIVA specialist team in the exclusive institute in Berlin-Biesdorf.

Demand for more support for a vital life

The chief surgeon of the institute, which opened six months ago, Dott. Mag. Andrea Caletti, explained as an expert in Longevity how beauty and vitality can be sustainably maintained and promoted through innovative pre- and post-care measures at AIVA. He explains that the trend in the health and wellness sector to promote a healthy and long life is much more than an ever-growing desire of society.

To be as beautiful, fit, and above all, symptom-free for as long as possible – that is the goal of longevity medicine. Above all, it is about the big picture in healthcare system, as Caletti emphasizes: “The population is getting older and older, and the healthcare system can no longer afford this. This means we have to invest now to prevent what Berlin and the state should basically do for us, namely send a signal to the people and say: You have to change something if you want to stay healthy.” The fact that measures for a vital life are still too rarely covered by statutory health insurance companies must urgently change for the good of society.

Comprehensive concepts for health and well-being

The AIVA Institute, which is part of the Burkart family’s Upwind Holding, has made it its mission to offer its customers tailor-made treatments that are tailored to their individual needs and wishes. For this purpose, appropriate treatment plans are developed and professionally implemented. The concept is holistic: aesthetics, health and well-being go hand in hand.

Why treatments such as cold chamber courses or lymphatic drainage are particularly popular and effective, what the individual methods can actually achieve, and why everyone should invest in their health right now and why a modern healthcare system is enormously important for this – you can find out all of this in the report about the AIVA Institute from the medical director Dott. Mag. Andrea Caletti as a specialist in plastic and aesthetic surgery.